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The purpose of this notice is to advise the public that Ohio EPA has reviewed the referenced project and finds neither a Supplemental Study (SS) nor an Environmental Assessment (EA) is required to implement the project as discussed in the attached Limited Environmental Review (LER). Consequently, a Finding of No Significant Impact is being issued for this project. 


The Water Pollution Control Loan Fund program requires the inclusion of environmental factors in the decision-making process for project approval. Ohio EPA has done this by incorporating a detailed analysis of the environmental effects of the proposed action in its review and approval process. Environmental information was developed as part of the facilities plan, as well as through the facilities plan review process. A subsequent review by this Agency has found that the proposed action does not require the preparation of either an EA or an SS. 


Our environmental review concluded that because the proposed project is limited in scope and meets all applicable criteria, a LER is warranted.  To review the OEPA's Statement and the Summary of Need, please click on the links provided below.


  • MVSD Sludge Operation_DW_LER_FONSI

  • OEPA Notice of Limited Environmental Review

  •  LER - Summary of Need





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